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Accueil » Taquile Island (Isla Taquile)

Taquile Island (Isla Taquile)

    Categories : Peru, Isla Taquile

    Address : Huillanopampa, Perú
    Google Maps link :
    GPS coordinates : -15.772507497992184, -69.68401002409466

    Taquile Island: A Gem of Lake Titicaca

    Taquile Island, nestled in the heart of Lake Titicaca in Peru, is a haven of peace and deep-rooted traditions. Located about 45 kilometers east of Puno, this mountainous island offers a striking landscape and a unique immersion in Aymara culture.

      A unique way of life:
      Renowned textile know-how:
      An authentic experience:
      Practical information:

    Isla Taquile is an ideal destination for travelers seeking authenticity, breathtaking scenery, and enriching encounters. A trip to this island will allow you to discover a unique culture and live an unforgettable experience.